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14th October 2022

Why is Excavator Grade Control Important in Construction Projects?

Why is Excavator Grade Control Important in Construction Projects?

The excavator grade control system is an essential component for excavator guidance in digital construction. It ensures that the operator performs correctly and accurately by importing the digital design file into the display control terminal.

Meanwhile, the excavator grade control system stops the machine from digging too deep and adding more material. The control system can tell the operator exactly how much to dig or how much material to add, and it also helps operators to dig confidently so that construction does not purely rely on experience for greater precision.

Labour and material costs are rising…

The construction industry is confronted with permanent pressure regarding cost due to increasing expenses, especially those pertaining to labour and energy, the shortened schedules for the completion of projects, and also an incredibly complex legal system with an increasing number of additional laws and standards.

How can an excavator control system help?

An excavator grade control system can solve these problems. It is already widely used in digital construction to improve construction efficiency and accuracy.

Excavators are mainly used for sub-grade slopes, slope protection, drainage ditches, and cable pipeline ditches, which are used in many locations such as highways, railways, airports, water conservancies, and municipalities. Among them, 5% of the excavator operating scenarios require high accuracy, which confirms the accuracy required for your excavator operation scenario to help you quickly find the suitable excavator grade control system.

Where ultimate construction processing accuracy is required we recommend the FJD 3D Excavator Guidance System. According to the official data, this system using GPS has an accuracy of +/- 3cm, however, some existing customers across the globe have reported that the accuracy can reach as low as 1cm. 

If you would like to discuss excavator grade control with us further, our knowledgeable staff are here to assist with any queries. Get in touch with us today here, or read all our other blogs here.